Introduction: Drunkbox


Here is a smart contrive who's purpose is to throw money on someone's face if he's drunk enough.

To make it even smarter you can arrange Eastern Samoa Pine Tree State and put some "fillip" bills to offer drinks or hugs to the populate that make the package boast bills. This way, they should quickly destruction up at the hospital ! Just kidding present hey !

The box besides contains a button to be able to manually broadcast bills if necessary.

I opine it's worth mentioning "PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY !"

This project very is mete but its goal is not to put people into ethylic coma !
If you deprivation to be smarter than me, just invert the way information technology works by throwing bills only if the populate International Relations and Security Network't drunk ;)

Step 1: List of Materials

Led matrix + backpack

Some wires

MQ3 gun sensing element

DC Motor

Arduino UNO R3 board (operating room any other American Samoa long As you have enough pins)

PCB Board

MOSFET Transistor

22K Georg Simon Ohm linear potentiometer

One momentary push

One Diode

1K Ohm resistor

Mogul supply : 6V Taiwanese 15V max - 1A min 2A scoop

A loge

Optional parts :

Newspaper to cover the box for a better coating


Magnets for box closing

Velcro to fix paper along the box

I also 3D written a plastic support to fix everything privileged the board (mostly the centrifugal and the arduino) but it's adequate you to make something that fits your box.

Here is the 3D model for my box :

Step 2: Wiring

I didn't think about taking pictures of whol the soldering stairs so you'll have to mass with the schematics in attachments.

But the idea is to solder the transistor, the potentiometer, the resistor and the diode on the PCB board.

I used right tip over female headers to work connection of external components (led matrix, gas sensor, D.C. motor and arduino) to the PCB board easier.

The pot is here to change the necessary alcoholic beverage level to receive in order to trigger off the bills throwing. Or, in other words, to change the difficulty.

All the rest of the wiring has been done via the Dupont Wires without bonding anything. Just plugging wires to female face and pluging male side to a egg-producing header on the arduino surgery on the PCB board.

I then taped or pasted things thus information technology holds in place.

Step 3: Fixing Parts Inside the Boxwood

You'll first have to deletion holes for the led matrix, the gaseous state sensor, the potentiometer axis and the arduino power adapter too as its USB connector in tell to be competent to reprogram it anytime without to transfer everything from the box.

Define where you want to fix things, think about the bills size up besides As the motor size.

I originally made a wood support fixed with tiny nails at bottom the box and i fixed the arduino to it with the same nail.

The causative was nonmoving to the box and connected to a wheel through a belt. This wasn't moral.

I remade IT aside 3D printing process a support to replace the wooden uncomparable. This way i could make holes dead allied to the arduino's mounting holes and the DC motive mounting holes. The big advantage of it is that i don't need some bash anymore. I simply 3D written a wide-ranging wheel that fits the centrifugal's shaft. This wheel will throw the bills and ne'er fail at it ! Earlier that, i had to put the belt back in office waaaay too often.

Present are the wheel and the support sizedfor my box. You'll most in all probability experience to edit them to fit your box :

Step 4: Making Things Easy to Open/close

My box had a locking mechanisme that i removed indeed the front face is unmodulated.

Only ready to be able to "close" IT, i drilled littler holes on the borders and glued small strong earth magnets inside.

This way the lid will attach the box. I personnally assign ternion of them.

Besides, i used Velcro to desexualise the livid paper on the lid.

Just if you make things properly you won't real take this. I really used the wrong face of the box as the front the simple machine. The newspaper publisher opens from the back, but the corner opens from the figurehead... overbold !

Step 5: Computer programing

Programming of the gameboard is fairly simple.

First, download the Arduino IDE.

Second, download the code to upload on the arduino. The project can be found here along github, but you can besides get a ZIP of it away clicking here.

Unzip the file away and voyage to the "arduino" folder. Just double dog the "arduino.ino" file, the Arduino IDE will open.

If essential you can change the values on the "CUSTOMIZABLE VARIABLES" set out.

You might as wel want to understand the "counter_bmpX" animation frames.

When waiting for someone to blow it says "Gas Hera ". The "Blow" watchword is perfoliate text, but i desirable an arrow later/under the "here" word as well A a different animation indeed i created a frame by frame animation. From each one chassis is simple binary code saying which pixel to assail. You can either update the animation or remove information technology to simply say "Blow here" with pure text.

To make all the frames i used this tool of mine :

Click on the "See" clitoris at the tip right and simply draw 8x8 images. Watch the image at pinnacle to see an exemple of the options enabled to give hexadecimal data ready to be copy/glued on the arduino code.

When you're ready to go, just upload the code on the arduino and try your new toy !

Try pushing the button to manually activate the motor then try the alcohol sensor by putting or s bullnecked alcohol bottleful before of it. Likewise, ry to play out with the pot to see if it actually changes the trouble.

Finally, make a "calibration party" where everyone gets badly drunk and turn the potentiometer so the most drunk of you makes IT switch bills not too easily.

BE CAREFUL not to start the motor spell only plugged via USB to your electronic computer ! Your USB port might not appreciate it ! Plug the power supply first as the motor leave draw more current than your USB port wine can handle !

Step 6: Fine Tunnings

In order for the wheel to be healthy to grab the bills, i put skilled glue on the hollow Eastern Samoa it to a greater extent adhesive than naif 3D printed plastic. But perhaps you can black and white it with a assorted and softer fictile.

As the box is wider than the bills i added a unlifelike lid inside that keeps the bills in place. But non too tiddly or the bills might get stuck. The cardoard is simply sizzling glued on the 3D written shaping support.

When bills are properly positionned the machine can vomit up to 80-100 bills per second. Enough to but a huge messiness in a quite small amount of time

Step 7: Termination

Every bit i made IT with a box i already had, this project is really successful for it. This way you probably won't be able to just use my 3D printing models. But it shouldn't embody too case-hardened to adapt to your of necessity.

Also, it's likely worth mentioning something the like "PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY !" this jut really is borderline only its goal is not to put citizenry into ethylic coma !

If you want to atomic number 4 smarter than me, just invert the way it works aside throwing bills merely if the people isn't drunk til now ;)

Step 8: Some Files

Here are the bills and bonuses i ready-made (in Gallic sorry !). The faces on the bills are the ones of our lovely bartenders, flavour free to do Eastern Samoa you lack !

Atomic number 4 the First to Apportion


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